
Diamond kumiko course
level 2, with Sensei Naoki Ikushima

  • Location Andrea Stokholm Møbelsnedker
    Melchiorsvej 12, 2920 Charlottenlund
  • Time Thursday 10 - 15, Friday 10 - 15
  • Participants max 10 people
  • Language Danish, English, Swedish
  • Included in the course fee:
    Wooden grid and strips Coffee/Tea, cookies and fruits

We are thrilled to present you with a unique opportunity to participate in a special Kumiko course led by our Japanese Kumiko Sensei Naoki Ikushima. This exclusive two-day event will take place in a truly exceptional setting, where both Naoki-san and Andrea will instruct on the intricate Japanese technique of Kumiko.

As participant in this Diamond Kumiko course you will be introduced to the cutting technique and learn how to use the special Japanese hand tools together with cutting jigs. You will learn how to Cut and assemble a Diamond base-grid and have plenty of time to dive into the technique.

Please note that Naoki-san will primarily teach in Japanese. However, Google Translate and Andrea will be available to assist with translations in Danish and English. Remember, there will only be a limited number of tickets available, so make sure to secure your spot now!
This two-days weekend course is for those who have attended Kumiko 90 degrees, Level 1 or have some experience with hand tools.

Available tools at the Kumiko Course:
Diamond grid jig
Kumiko jigs
Japanese saw
Japanese plane
Chisel 3mm
Marking knife
Steel ruler

Participation is at your own risk and all participants are responsible for their own insurance.

Please note that the registration is binding.
No refund of fee.